» Feeling Blah...

Had a cold last week, and now its turned into a bacterial infection :(

Even though these tablets are pretty small, I always fear that I'll choke on it or it'll get stuck somewhere in my throat. I always end up breaking the tablets in half; it was cool to see that the tablets were film coated
Update: Oct 3 2012

Went back to the MD since I still had a lingering cough. She said that since I had bronchitis, the cough would last a few weeks. She gave me salbutamol to open up my airways so I would feel less congested and would help with the cough as well

Update: Oct 25 2012

Wow its been over a month since I first started feeling sick. I can finally say that I feel much better now. This is the longest that I have ever been sick...probably due to stress from all these tests/exams and the late nights and early mornings